Frequently Asked Questions
Hi everyone! We have tried to answer the most frequently asked questions and things to note before a healing session below. If there is anything you are still curious about, please reach out using our contact or by booking a free phone consultation using the booking calendar on the "Plans & Pricing" Page.
What does an in-person session look like?
When Johnny was first told by the Guides he was to be a healer, he would go from placing his hand on the forehead, to the stomach and then to the toes. Now, he still will follow their instruction on where to go but usually will start with a hand on your forehead and either to the stomach (if you have digestive issues, organ problems, etc) or sometimes they will instruct him to put a hand on a knee/shoulder/back depending on if there was an old injury or other issue in these areas. All that is needed from you is to lay down and relax for the duration of the session.
Session can vary in length but typically go between 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours, Johnny will continue until his Guides have told him it is done. After the session, he will relay any messages his Guides have for you about what was done and if any more sessions are needed for your intended result.
*Note: Please do not try and mentally “help” Johnny in any way during the session by calling on different energies or using other types of healing techniques . The best thing is to just relax and allow him to do what he has been trained to do.
What does a distance session look like?
For all Distance Sessions, the only thing we ask of you is to lay down, close your eyes and relax. Please ensure that you do not get up in the middle of your session for any reason, unless agreed upon. All distance sessions are conducted through recorded video using Google Meet. We will send you a link to your e-mail at the appointment time for you to click and join the video meeting. As well, distance sessions can range in length from 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours.
Please respect the work Johnny does, the amount of energy, time and effort he puts in to helping each individual person. We can not expect the intended results when the instructions that are given to him are not followed correctly. Please make sure you have used the restroom, have eaten, and have given yourself the time to fully immerse yourself in the sessions. All sessions are completed on video call and are recorded for both of our records, a copy can be provided upon request.
Are any preparations needed?
No preparations needed, just be willing and wanting to commit to this new form of healing and know that it is possible for you. It has not happened yet where any dietary changes, supplements, vitamins or oral medications have been suggested.
We ask that any current treatments, detox programs, alternative healing methods are completed before beginning to work with Johnny.
How many sessions will I need?
The amount of sessions you will need will depend on the severity or stage of the issue or illness you are coming with. During your first session, the Guides will communicate to Johnny if any more sessions are needed, if so how many and the timeline of those sessions. You must complete the amount of sessions told to him in order to see the results you are seeking. If there is something specific you are contacting with, we can give you an estimate based on what he has achieved with previous clients but every one is different.
Based on previous results, the timeline of healing different issues will vary but can be generally gauged at 6-12 weeks. Some people experience healing sooner than this but 6-12 weeks is when we can anticipate the greatest change to be seen. This is the timeline that has in the past yielded changed test results and disappearance of growths. Of course, every one heals differently and your personal healing time will differ with every illness, stage & severity.
If it is suggested you need more than one session it is best that all sessions be completed within a reasonable time frame and to the schedule the Guides have given.
What can I expect after a healing session?
As things are changing and are working for you for your greatest success in health, some will experience varied sensations in the body depending on what is being worked on. Every healing is different and so every persons experience will be different but ultimately it is our goal to heal you fully of your current condition. Some common experiences include pain relief, feel lighter, clearer in the mind, digestion improvements, sleep improvements, breathing improvements. It is all dependent on the issues you are coming with. You can also experience signs of detoxing, feel emotional release or the urge to rest as your body heals certain ailments and is recovering.
If we do trauma work, some have experienced vivid dreams, acknowledgments of past issues and a release of things no longer needed in our subconscious as Johnny works with the Guides to close the doors on these events.
With realignment, Bones & Joints can experience being tender as the healing progresses, much of this will pass over the first couple of weeks, if not sooner. The goal is for long lasting healing and this takes time. It takes time for the body to regenerate cells, break down masses and expel them and for mindset changes to take place. The Guides know what each person is able to handle and your personal healing journey will be tailored to not shock your system and to create these long lasting results.
How do I know if this will work for me?
You do not need to be a 100% believer in energy work, the Spirit world or God for the healings to work for you. He has had consistent success and the healings work for each person when we follow the plan given for them. Johnny works directly with the energy of God, he has been entrusted with this ability to heal and so remaining in a state of love and positivity will greatly enhance the process and even quicken the healing process.
If you are negative in your intentions towards this work or to the other people in your life this can potentially sabotage your healing process. He will teach you techniques to help you heal the best you can and keep negativity in your life from lowering your vibration during the process. Be mindful. Our thoughts are powerful. God is providing us this healing energy here on earth today; choose love and heal.
We must be careful to not mix alternate energies and frequencies (other healing modalities, witchcraft, calling on external forces separate to God & The White Light, the use of frequency machines, certain altering frequency music, etc.) as it can push the White Light energy out of your body. This can impact the way that you heal and the amount of sessions you will need to have to achieve your intended results.
At this point in time, it is very rare for Johnny to work on other practicing energy workers. He is putting together courses that he will begin by the end of this year, to help teach other energy healers how to clear and heal themselves from what he has been taught. If you are coming to Johnny for help, please trust him and what the direct energy he works with as it has and continues to produce many incredible miracles.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept most forms of payment. We use an invoicing system that sends an invoice direct to your e-mail and can be paid online with major accepted debit credit and credit cards. Please send us a message if there is an alternate form of payment you are unsure of!