
Johnny was approached, approached by the Universe to help people here on Earth, and being able to program crystal spheres ("crystal ball") with the White Light Energy he uses for all of his healings is just another amazing tool they have given him to help you.
This sphere is used as a direct conduit between the White Light Healing Energy and yourself. Each ball is crafted by Johnny with The Universe for each individual person, what they need and what they want help with overcoming.
These balls can be programmed for weight loss, to heal any types of pains and illness including cancer, to advance healers in their business and with communication with Spirit. They are for anyone and everyone who wants access to use the White Light for personal use or to help heal and protect others. Larger 7-8 inch spheres are recommended for professional healers, those who will be using them often to heal their clients.
It takes time to program each individually, with certain cycles of the Moon and with the Sun as the Guides will instruct him to do. Timing and programming will be discussed during our consultation.
This is a physical TOOL that will lose the weight for you, to help you connect, become a clearer channel, to heal yourself or others of illness, pain & trauma, propel or discover career & life purpose ... or whatever else you may want. The Universe works on permission, and so any requests for programming will have to be agreed upon by his Guides for you.
Each ball also comes with 1 distance healing & training where Johnny will teach you how to use them properly to get the best results possible!
He will offer a monthly check-in over 3 months to track your progress, see how far you have come and if any changes need to be made as told by the Universe for what is best for your journey.
The smaller the ball, the less energy & programs they will be able to hold. The more you would like help with and the more severe your illness, the larger the ball will be recommended for you accordingly.
These balls have been tried and tested. After receiving the latest feedback the Guides said to Johnny, "We told you so, these balls are powerful"
Johnny programmed a ball for another healer recently and she has had beautiful results with it. She has been getting her visions and guidance crystal clear, and has seen her soul family again for the first time in almost 20 years.
Not only that but even when the stress, fears and anxieties of life creep up, she said when she touches the ball it instantly returns balance. She says she feels the release of the worries beginning to cloud her mind. These results in only 3 weeks with a 4-inch sphere.

WEIGHT LOSS - 4 Inch Ball
Johnny will program a 4 inch ball that will personally lose your weight for you in your sleep.
With no special diet, pills, or surgery required.
Only to sit with the ball as instructed for less than 10 minute a day.
This is weight loss never seen before.
Lose anywhere from 50g-200g a night.
Some may lose more at the start but balls are all programmed for 100g per night if used correctly. At this rate, weight loss will be approximately 3kg lost per month and 36kg per year.
They are an incredible tool for those who physically are unable to do physical exercise and lose the weight they desire.
For Example:
-Those who are suffering with osteoarthritis
-Who have suffered in an accident
-Are prone to Heart Attacks
-Suffer severe Depression
& who are unable to lose weight for many other reasons
Each ball is set to this amount to start as we cannot push people, we do not want them having sore muscles, cramps or spasms, which will happen if the amount lost is raised too high. Your body is actually physically doing the exercise in your sleep. The same muscles fire up and that is why we must take it slowly until Johnny's Guides approve it being boosted after proper use.
A video call at 4 weeks is offered to track progress and potentially to raise the nightly weight loss amount. We will also follow up with a monthly video call for 3 months to keep updated on your journey.
If you stick to the program and use the ball as instructed Johnny can guarantee you will see incredible results.
PERSONAL USE - 4 to 6 Inch Ball
$3995- $7995+
These balls are programmed for Personal Use.
We have a variety of different sizes available. The size best for you will depend on how much you want programmed into this ball & what you will be using it for. The larger the ball, the more that is able to be programmed within it. We offer spheres between 4 and 6 inches which all carry their own unique advantages.
4 Inch Crystal Ball

Self-Healing Crystal Sphere
This size ball is best programmed for those who need help with any of the following:
-Personal Psychic Protection
-Clearing yourself from negative energy especially if it affects you daily in your environment or workplace
-Depression, Anxiety, Fear, Emotional Dysregulation, Focus or Impulse Control
-Weight loss
-Personal Traumas or personality traits you need healed
-Career & Life Path Guidance
5 Inch Crystal Ball
This size if best programmed for those who desire multiple things to be programmed such as:
-Healing for Serious Physical Illness, Disease & Pain.
(Diabetes, Digestion Issues, Heart Problems, Organ Failure, Sore Muscles, Sport Recovery, etc.)
-Personal Psychic Protection
-Protect & Clear you from Negative Environments or Workplace
-Depression, Anxiety, Fear, Emotional Dysregulation, Focus or Impulse Control
-Weight loss
-Personal Trauma
-Career & Life Path Guidance
-Love; by healing ourselves & finding the love and beauty within us we will be able to attract the love that we desire to us
These balls have the ability to be programmed to heal your physical dis-ease and pain, help you with any symptoms you experience daily. They can be programmed to heal you of current life traumas or whatever you need work with in your life. They will be able to open the door for new opportunities of wealth, abundance, inspiration and more.
For Career Programming, they will close the doors of your current life issues and heal the traumas that are stopping you from going ahead and achieving your dreams of what you can do.
6 Inch Crystal Ball- To Heal Self & Others (Family/Friends)
This larger sphere can hold more energy and therefore, is able to hold more programming.
This size can be programmed for all of the same options as the 5 Inch Ball.
This size is for both Self-Healing and Healing others.
-Healing for Serious Physical Illness, Disease & Pain.
(Diabetes, Digestion Issues, Heart Problems, Organ Failure, Sore Muscles, Sport Recovery, etc.)
-Personal Psychic Protection
-Protect & Clear you from Negative Environments or Workplace
-Depression, Anxiety, Fear, Emotional Dysregulation, Focus or Impulse Control
-Weight loss
-Personal Trauma
-Career & Life Path Guidance
-Spiritual Connection & Contact
This size will provide substantial spiritual protection and personal connection with your Guides.
If being used to heal a loved one or friend, Johnny will personally guide you through this process as the person you are preforming the healing on will not be allowed to physically touch the sphere.
Although they can be used for healing others, this size is not recommended for professional healers who will be consistently using it on others day to day, however more for individual use and periodic family or friend healings.
BEGINNER & ADVANCED HEALERS - 7-8 Inch Ball (plus)
$7995- $15,995+
How loud is the calling for you?
To heal others of physical & mental illness?
Those clients you have tried everything for but are still struggling to help?
This incredible ball is for aspiring healers, both beginner and advanced, or anyone who feels called to this offering to begin on the path of heal yourself and others of illness, pain, disease and more...
These spheres can drastically up-level your ability to heal your clients. To create beautiful connections with your Guides and immerse yourself even further in the Spirit World.
These spheres can be programmed for all of the same options as the 6 Inch Spheres.
This is the ONLY size sphere that can be used with Curse & Spell Removal
-Healing for ALL Serious Physical Illness, Disease & Pain.
(Cancer, Diabetes, Digestion Issues, Heart Problems, Organ Failure, Sore Muscles, Sport Recovery, etc.)
-Personal Psychic Protection (eg. if you are surrounded by witchcraft work in your family or household)
-Protect & Clear you from Negative Environments or Workplace
-Depression, Anxiety, Fear, Emotional Dysregulation, Focus or Impulse Control
-Weight loss
-Personal Trauma
-Career & Life Path Guidance
-Spiritual Connection & Contact
-Spell & Curse Removal on Self & Others
Especially if you are finding it difficult to protect or gain the energy needed to do this type of work, these are made for you. The more work you put into using these balls, the more reward you will receive.
Have a life rooted un purpose. Have a life that is full of health and possibility.
Lasts up to 12 months.
All crystal balls are programmed for the name I am given. This person is the only one that can touch the crystal ball. If touched by anybody else other than this name and myself, then it can be deprogrammed easily. Deprogrammed balls will need to be programmed again by myself for an additional cost.
It is very strongly recommended that all care is taken to protect your crystal ball from others touching it. All balls will have a protection on them to stop any negative spirits, souls entering into it and others trying to use the energy for their own gain. But it cannot stop a human from touching it so it is very important to keep your ball protected from this. If you have a ball sitting in a shop or somewhere others can see it easily it , please let us know and we will tell you what to do to prevent any humans trying to drain the energy from it. Also any witchcraft work that others may try to doing to your ball. Witchcraft work will be returned back to anyone that tries their evil work on you or your ball (cannot misuse the White Light) your ball will have this power to do this without you even knowing.
Johnny does not and will not tolerate any witchcraft activities at all. Johnny has expertise and experience with this as many people that have tried to use their witchcraft work against him. He has learnt hands-on how to deal with each and every one of them trying to stop the work he does for the White Light. Johnny works only with the White Light only, God, Lord Jesus and his main Guides. Johnny has trust in the universe after many years working with them, with proven results time over time. It has taken him a long time to have the trust he has today
If your intention is to use these balls for witchcraft, do not waste your money. Only for use with the White Light.
Discounts apply if you would like to send us your own ball to be programmed but we will accept no liability due to the fragility of the item.