15 min
Free- Read More
Powerful Healings for Physical Pains, Illness, Emotional Trauma, Depression & more
1 hr 30 min
$550 - Read More
Overcome past traumas, fear and beliefs to reach your true potential!
1 hr
$550 1 hr 30 min
3,100 Australian dollars2 hr
From $24951 hr
From $425- Read More
6 Healings over 9 Week to heal diabetes. Restore your bodies ability to process glucose.
1 hr 30 min
3,100 Australian dollars
Please fill out a form below or contact us to make sure you are booking the right type of healing for you! Prices may vary. This can be influenced by the severity of the illness or disease, how long it has been there and how it has affected the individual. Fees will be discussed during your initial phone consultation or first healing session. If travel is involved fees may increase for travel expense. Charges are in USD for all international clients. Payment is to be made prior to the healing, and is accepted between the day of booking up to appointment start time.
We must all remember that more serious healings pose to risk to Johnny as a Healer. With all Healers they risk of taking on the illness themselves trying to help heal the patient and so more serious ailments will be handled accordingly. We do not issue refunds.
Disclaimer: We are not liable for damages resulting from the use of this information and from the use of this service. You accept and understand that results differ for each individual. You fully agree that there are no guarantees as to the specific outcome or results you can expect from using the information you receive on or through this website and service.