
Johnny Batterson is a Medical Healer & Medium hailing from the east coast of Australia. He first discovered his spiritual gifts 14 years ago and began communicating with his Spirit Guides after being bombarded with Spirits everywhere he looked. It took six months for him to finally give in and ask what they wanted him for. After learning to communicate through years of psychic crime investigations, Johnny was told he was to be a healer. Now, he has 24/7 access and channeling abilities with his Guides and the High Above.
Johnny left his job in 2018 when his Guides urged him to preform a healing on a family friend with an inoperable brain tumor. It was with that success that Johnny knew he had a larger purpose. Today, he has preformed healings on all types of different illness, diseases, pain and spiritual issues (clearing dark energies, curses & past life soul healing and retrieval). He looks to provide relief and healing to those diagnosed with terminal illness or with undiagnosed sickness.
It has been through his own personal healing with his Guides that he has been taught how to truly heal all current and past life trauma. Johnny's ability to access his subconscious mind while fully conscious, and therefore the subconscious mind of others, means he is able to heal you at the Soul Level and has been shown the way to open and close the doors in order for you to access your highest potential and move on from what no longer serves you.
When I was 5 years old I used to see a man standing in my bedroom and every night. I remember this house vividly as I shared a room with my brother and had broke my arm while living here for a short while. I would stare and stare at this man, scared and when I was ready to go to sleep, pull the covers right over my head. He would never move. I remember he wore a flannel shirt with buttons down the middle with little red and blue squares checkered across it, and the type of trousers they would wear in the olden days. I wasn't allowed to say anything, I tried multiple times but when my parents would come in they would turn on the lights, say no one was there and that I was just dreaming it.
When i was in my 30's, spirits started to appear everywhere - in trees, car windows and all reflections. I could barely watch TV in my living room and would have to close the blinds to focus as all I saw were hundreds of faces in the large tree in my yard. It took me 6 months to give in and ask what they wanted me for. On the first night I did, I was pulled over at a rest area off of the highway and there was one Spirit there who looked like the main one of the group and then it hit me,
"Were you the guy standing in my bedroom when i was 5?" I asked
He nodded.
"How long have you been here for?"
He rocked his hands back and forth..since you were a baby.
At this point I could not hear them, we communicated through actions and reenactments. It took years to tune me in to be able to hear them the way I do today.
This was the first test in trust, knowing this Spirit has been by my side protecting me since I was a baby. There have been many, many more tests and challenges to learn trust both ways with the Universe and with every successful healing, direction & communication, everything that they have told me has been: The Truth. The trust only grew and pushed me further to hone in on how powerful this energy really was and what they were entrusting me with was an ability to preform miracles.
Johnny was born with 50/60 percent hearing in each ear. This is something that impacted him deeply in his early years and something that he looked at negatively often asking "Why me?"
When the Spirits approached him in his mid 30's everything slowly made sense and he was shown everything really does happen for a reason- he was chosen to come into this life in this way to become the Healer he is today.
The Spirit World works on permission and Johnny has never once asked them to heal his ears and he doesn't want to although is something he can help others with. For each healing he must always ask first for permission to heal the person. It is the reason he has the ability to hear Spirit and have the communication with the high above in the way he does. It helps him during healing sessions to be able to focus and be less distracted - not inundated by dog barks, car engines, talking, and other daily noise but fully tuned into the energy and information his Guides are relaying to help each person.
Growing up and even as an adult, he has been less influenced by negative frequencies, overstimulation, and misinformation but has been led to be a blank slate for the Truth. Plus it does help when you have to meditate every single day with your kids running around the house!